Page 20 - Jim Marrs - The Rise of the Fourth Reich: The Secret Societies That Threaten to Take Over Americ
P. 20


              In 1777, Weishaupt rolled his brand of Illuminism into Freemasonry
            aft er joining the Masonic Order’s Lodge Theodore of Good Counsel in
            Munich. This lodge integrated with the Grand Orient Lodges, which, ac-
            cording to several researchers,  were at the core of the Illuminati penetra-
            tion into Freemasonry. By 1783, the Bavarian government saw the Illuminati
            as a direct threat to the established order and outlawed the organization,
            which prompted many members to flee Germany, only spreading their
            philosophies farther.
              Many researchers today believe the Illuminati still exists and that the
            order’s goals are nothing less than the abolition of all government, private
            property, inheritance, nationalism, the family unit, and organized reli-
            gion. This belief partially comes from the intriguing notion that the
             much- denounced  Protocols of the Elders of  Zion—used widely since its
            publication in 1864 to justify anti-Semitism—was actually an Illuminati
            document with Jewish elements added later for disinformation purposes.
            “Even though the Illuminati faded from public view, the monolithic ap-
            paratus set in motion by Weishaupt may still exist today,” commented
            author William T. Still. “Certainly, the goals and methods of operation
            still exist. Whether the name Illuminati still exists is really irrelevant.”
              No one can doubt that socialism, whether  Illuminati-inspired or not,
            has come to the United States, and socialism is the cornerstone of Nazi
            philosophy. Beginning with seemingly innocuous programs like Social
            Security and continuing through a myriad of government programs such
            as Medicare, farm subsidies, food stamps, and student entitlements, it seems
            that nearly every aspect of life today involves the centralized federal gov-
            ernment, which, since the attacks of 9/11, continues to draw ever more
            power unto itself. USA Today reported, “A sweeping expansion of social
            programs since 2000 has sparked a record increase in the number of
            Americans receiving federal government benefits such as college aid, food
            stamps and health care. A USA Today analysis of 25 major government
            programs found that enrollment increased an average of 17% in the pro-
            grams from 2000 to 2005.”
              Socialism has come to America because the National Socialists of the
            New World Order recognize that any social program requires central au-
            thority. And they know full well that with their im mense wealth and
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