Page 15 - Jim Marrs - The Rise of the Fourth Reich: The Secret Societies That Threaten to Take Over Americ
P. 15


              International Corporation (AIC), formed in 1915, also helped fund the
              Rus sian Revolution. AIC directors represented the interests of the Rocke-
              fellers, Rothschilds, Du Ponts, Kuhns, Loebs, Harrimans, and the Federal
              Reserve, as well as Federal Reserve cofounder Frank Vanderlip and George
              Herbert Walker, the maternal  great-grandfather of President George W.
                Trotsky left the United States by ship on March 27,  1917—just days
              before America entered the  war—along with nearly three hundred revolu-
              tionaries and funds provided by Wall Street. Trotsky, whose real name
              was Lev Davidovich Bronstein, was being trailed by British agents who
              suspected him of working with German intelligence since his stay in pre-
              war Vienna. In a speech before leaving New York, Trotsky stated, “I am
              going back to Rus sia to overthrow the provisional government and stop
              the war with Germany.”
                When the ship carrying Trotsky and his entourage stopped in Halifax,
              Nova Scotia, they and their funds  were impounded by Canadian authori-
              ties, who rightly feared that a revolution in Rus sia might free German
              troops to fight their soldiers on the Western Front. But this  well- grounded
              concern was overcome by President Woodrow Wilson’s alter ego, Colonel
              Edward Mandell  House, who told the chief of the British Secret Service,
              Sir William Wiseman, that Wilson wanted Trotsky released. On April
              21, 1917, less than a month aft er the United States entered the war, the
              British Admiralty ordered the release of Trotsky, who, armed with an
              American passport authorized by Wilson, continued on his journey to
              Rus sia and history.
                At this same time, Lenin also left exile. Aided by the Germans and ac-
              companied by about 150 trained revolutionaries, “[he] was put on the in-
              famous ‘sealed train’ in Switzerland along with at least $5 million,”
              according to Still. The train passed through Germany unhindered, as ar-
              ranged by German banker Max Warburg (the brother of Paul Warburg,
              who cofounded the Federal Reserve System and handled U.S. financing
              during World War I) and the German High Command. Lenin, like Trot-
              sky, was labeled a German agent by the government of Alexandr Keren-
              sky, the second provisional government created following the czar’s
              abdication. By November 1917, Lenin and Trotsky, backed by Western
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