Page 21 - Jim Marrs - The Rise of the Fourth Reich: The Secret Societies That Threaten to Take Over Americ
P. 21


              power, they can control any central authority. Over the years, they have
              masked this creep of socialism by distracting appeals to nationalism.
              Americans are constantly reminded that the United States is God’s gift to
              the world, the epitome of freedom and democracy. Patriotism has been
              used to fan the flames of nationalism among Americans. Today, anyone
              who criticizes foreign policy, overseas military interventions, or even ques-
              tions national policies opens themselves to charges of being unpatriotic.
                It is possible that the United States is indeed becoming the Fourth Re-
              ich, the continuation of a philosophy of National Socialism thought to
              have been vanquished more than half a century ago. Such a concept may
              seem absurd to those who cannot see past the  rose- colored spin, hype, and
              disinformation poured out daily by the corporate mass media, most of
              which is owned by the same families and corporations that supported the
              Nazis before World War II.
                Many today describe what they see as “neo-Nazism,” the movement to
              revive National Socialism. But this is a misnomer. There is nothing neo, or
              new, about this trend. National Socialism never died. The philosophies of
              fascism are alive and active in modern America. Unfortunately, younger
              generations cannot understand the nuances of differences between fas-
              cism, corporate power, democracy, and a democratic republic.
                While the USA helped defeat the Germans in World War II, we failed
              to defeat the Nazis. Many thousands of ranking Nazis came to the United
              States under a previously classified program called Project Paperclip. Many
              other Nazis and war criminals set up shop in a variety of other nations,
              and many traveled on passports issued by the Vatican. They brought with
              them miraculous technology, such as the V-2 rockets, but they also brought
              with them Nazi ideology. This ideology, based on the Illuminati premise
              that the end justifi es the means, includes unprovoked wars of aggression
              and curtailment of individual liberties, and has gained sway in “the land
              of the free and the home of the brave.”
                Ranking Nazis, along with their young and fanatical protégés, used the
              loot of Europe to create corporate front companies in many countries, in-
              cluding Spain, Portugal, Sweden, Turkey, and Argentina. More than two
              hundred fronts were created just in Switzerland, that banking hub that con-
              tinued to handle Nazi money before, during, and aft er the war. Utilizing
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