Page 18 - Jim Marrs - The Rise of the Fourth Reich: The Secret Societies That Threaten to Take Over Americ
P. 18


            communists. A total German victory would result in a worldwide National
            Socialist system unable to produce the tensions and conflicts necessary for
            maximizing profit and control. They also may have feared that Stalin’s So-
            viet  Union was about to launch an attack on Western Europe. Only Hitler’s
            Germany had the strength to prevent this.
              At some point, the globalists determined that the Axis, aft er blocking
            Rus sia’s invasion of Europe, should lose the war. They also began drawing
            up plans for the survival and renewal of a new form of National Socialism,
            one not dependent on racism and ethnicity. Working with the same fin-
            anciers and capitalists that had helped create German Nazism, these glo-
            balists began laying the foundation for a Fourth Reich.
              Conspiracy researchers have long suspected that one element of this
            German influence has been centered in the secretive Skull and Bones fra-
            ternity on the campus of Yale University. Known variously as Chapter
            322, the Brotherhood of Death, the Order, or, more popularly, as Skull
            and Bones or simply Bones, the Order was brought from Germany to Yale
            in 1832 by General William Huntington Russell and Alphonso Taft .
              (Russell’s cousin, Samuel Russell, was an integral part of the
            British-inspired Opium Wars in China. Taft, secretary of war in 1876 and
            U.S. attorney general and an ambassador to Rus sia, was the father of Wil-
            liam Howard Taft, the only person to serve as both president and chief
            justice of the United States. Another prominent Bones member was Averell
            Harriman, who has been described as “a man at the heart of the American
            ruling class,” and played a prominent role in the establishment of the new
            American empire.)
              A pamphlet detailing an 1876 investigation of Skull and Bones head-
            quarters at Yale, known as “the Tomb” by a rival secret society, stated,
            “. . . its founder [Russell] was in Germany before Senior Year and formed a
            warm friendship with a leading member of a German society. He brought
            back with him to college authority to found a chapter here. Th us was
            Bones founded.”
              The secret German society may have been none other than the mysteri-
            ous and infamous Illuminati. Ron Rosenbaum, a former Yale student and
            one of the few journalists to take a serious look at Skull and Bones, noted
            that the official  skull-and-crossbones emblem of the Order was also the
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