Page 11 - Jim Marrs - The Rise of the Fourth Reich: The Secret Societies That Threaten to Take Over Americ
P. 11


              math of World War II with the aid and assistance of the very same self-
              styled globalists who created National Socialism in the fi rst place. Th eir
              agenda matches that of the old Bavarian Illuminati, who  were long
              thought to have perished soon after the time of George Washington. But
              if the order died, its credo lives  on—power and control through wealth by
              any means possible. From the seeds of Nazism planted in America during
              the Cold War sprang a  whole new nation, one that today has become the
              greatest superpower in history but has also incurred a growing hatred
              among the nations of the world as well as alienation and dissension among
              its own citizens.
                At the beginning of the third millennium after Christ, by most criteria,
              the  once-free constitutional republic of the United States had become a
              National Socialist nation, an empire of the creators of the Th ird Reich—a
              Fourth Reich. If this assessment seems harsh and unbelievable, read on. Be
              advised that this work has no political conviction to advocate, no conspir-
              acy theory to press, and no hidden agenda. It is a collection of supportable
              facts that leads to certain conclusions, uncomfortable and unconventional
              as they may be.
                But first, one must understand the definition of the terms under con-

                                ADEFI NIT I ON OF TER MS

              Everyone has heard of Hitler’s Third Reich, but what  were the First and
              Second Reichs?
                The First Reich is known as the Holy Roman Empire, although it was
              neither holy, nor Roman, nor an empire. It was founded by the Frankish
              king Charles I, called Charlemagne or Charles the Great, who was crowned
              emperor in 800 A.D. by Pope Leo III after conquering and annexing most
              of Europe, including Germany, Switzerland, Austria, the Low Countries,
              and parts of France, Italy, and Czecho slovaki a. Th is monarchial empire,
              modeled after the Roman Empire and ruled by kaisers, or caesars, existed
              until 1806, when Napoleon marched his troops into Berlin.
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