Page 214 - Nick Begich - Angels Don't Play This Haarp Advances in Tesla Technology
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           again  from  here  to Paris  are of  continuously  increased  size.  By  the  time  we  reached
           Paris, the last domino block would be 1000 meters high and weigh  millions of ions.
           Again we tip the first domino here with 10 grams, which will fall down causing all the
           subsequent dominoes to tumble. By the time the gravitational action reaches Paris, the
           last domino in Paris will smash the Eiffel Tower.

                  From this experiment we should understand that it is not the 10 gram action
           here that will smash the Eiffel Tower in Paris, but it is the gravitational energy that is
           picked up on the way to Paris that smashes the Eiffel Tower.

                  In  other  words:  only  a  10  gram  action  is  required  to  trigger  a  non-linear
           gravitational activity which will cause the destruction of the Eiffel Tower.

                  With  the  above  examples  in  mind  imagine  the  nonlinear  effects  of  1  billion
           watts  of  effective  radiated  power  being  directed  at  the  ionosphere  by  the  HAARP
           transmitter.  This  is  the  first  phase  capability  of  the  project.  The  second  phase  will
           increase  the  effective  radiated  power  levels  even  further-  to  4.7  billion  watts!  In  our
           book  we  point  out  that  energy  in  certain  frequencies  when  reaching  the  outermost
           portions  of  the  ionosphere  can  be  amplified  up  to  1000  times  by  natural  processes.
           This  phenomena  has  been  recorded  by  scientists  at  UCLA  who  have  observed  the
           results  of  these  power  amplifications  at  a  fraction  of  the  power  level  which  HAARP
           will  transfer  to  this  region.  This  is  extremely  important  in  considering  what  may
           occur  with  this  level  of  energy.  A  serious  environmental  disaster  may  well  be  the

                  The  earlier  referenced  article  from  21st  Century  magazine  goes  on  to
           describe  the  implications  of  the use  of  phased  array  antennas  and  their  potentials  at  1
           billion  watt  power  levels.  This  is  the  antenna  array  HAARP  uses  and  the  level  of
           power it is designed to broadcast. What the article describes is a system which can be
           used  for  knocking  down  missiles  and  aircraft  by  effecting  their  guidance  systems  and
           creating  atmospheric  disturbances  which  lead  to  them  crashing.  They  also  talk  about
           the  ability,  at  lower  power  levels,  to  be  able  to  look  down  from  the  ionosphere  and
           detect  cruise  missiles  and  other  incoming  objects  utilizing  what  was  described  as  an
           advanced form of radar. Again this is exactly what has been described in the HAARP

                  Plasma is a term for an electrically conductive state of matter generated from
           a gas. It can be created by action of extreme heat, powerful electromagnetic fields and
           by  high  levels  of  focused  radio  frequency  energy  such  as  the  energy  created  with  the
           HAARP  instrument.  21st  Century  magazine  suggests  that,  "The  term  plasmoid  refers
           to  the  fact  that  under  certain  conditions  a  plasma  can  develop  a  self-contained,  self-
           stabilizing  structure  based  on  the  magnetic  and  other  effects  of  internal
           configurations  of  electric  currents  within  the  plasma,"  This  particular  concept  is
           important  when  referring  to  the  concept  of  "painting  the  ionosphere"  which  was
           described  by  the  military  in  the  HAARP  documents.  This  is  in  fact  what  the  military
           will  do  with  HAARP  for  certain  applications.  These  plasmas  are  much  different  than
           those described in fusion research in that they involve very low electron energies.
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