Page 7 - Jim Marrs - The Rise of the Fourth Reich: The Secret Societies That Threaten to Take Over Americ
P. 7


              ADOLF  HIT LER’S  THI R D  REICH EN DED I N  BER LI N ON  APR I L  30,
                Thunder reverberated from a storm of Rus sian artillery that was bom-
              barding the ruined capital. The day before, along with the incoming shells,
              came particularly bad news for the fuehrer, who by this late date in World
              War II was confined to his underground bunker beneath the Reich chan-
              cellery. Hitler had learned that two days earlier his Axis partner, Italy’s
              Fascist dictator Benito Mussolini, had been captured by paramilitary Ital-
              ian re sis tance fighters. Mussolini and his mistress, Clara Petacci,  were ex-
              ecuted and their bodies  were left hanging from lampposts in a Milan
              piazza. This news was especially worrisome to Hitler because only hours
              earlier he had married Eva Braun in a small civil ceremony inside the
                Hitler had previously vowed never to be captured alive, and reiterated
              to his entourage that neither he nor his new bride would be made a “spec-
              tacle, presented by the Jews, to divert their hysterical masses.” He made
              obvious preparations for the end of his reign. He handed out poison cap-
              sules to his remaining female secretaries and had Blondi, his favorite Alsa-
              tian dog, poisoned. Two other  house hold dogs were shot.
                Dictating a last will, he stated, “I myself and my wife—in order to
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