Page 44 - Nick Begich - Angels Don't Play This Haarp Advances in Tesla Technology
P. 44 37
Shanny backed away from her, gesturing with his hands and using facial
expressions to convey the impression that Eastland is crazy and the company was not
going to have anything further to do with Eastlund's futuristic patent.
Momentarily assured that APTI would not be building the mega-instrument,
Manning let him rejoin his group and head for a restaurant. Then she replayed the
scene in her mind and realized he had not given her a single complete sentence that
she could quote. The message - disavowing Eastlund's work and reassuring her that
APTI would not build such a technology - had cleverly been conveyed without
Shanny having committing to uttering words.
A couple of years later, the giant defense contractor E-Systems bought
Shanny's company, APTI. The trail from Eastlund's schemes was further buried in
1995, after Raytheon corporation bought the HAARP contract - and thus the APTI
patents - from E-Systems,
Even if the contractors really did completely disown the controversial
Eastlund patent # 4,686,605, APTI was the assignee on a dozen others whose
technologies were related. APTI, and the larger defense contractors who later
swallowed APTI and its patents, probably did leave Bernard Eastlund's controversial
patents in their dust50 as they accelerated their power-beaming technology. Among
the unpublicized patents - also assigned to APTI Inc. -that Nick Begich uncovered
• 5,068,669 "Power Beaming System";
• 5,041,834 "Artificial Ionospheric Mirror Composed of a Plasma Layer..";
• 4,999,637 "Creation of Artificial Ionization Clouds Above the Earth";
• 4,817,495 "Defense System for Discriminating Between Objects in Space";
• 4,873,928 "Nuclear-Sized Explosions Without Radiation".
In the interview with Manning, Eastlund explained why his method for
creating a high-energy missile shield was an improvement over the current Strategic
Defense Initiatives type of beaming - no satellites needed. The antennae on the
ground radiate energy into the areas high above the Earth without the use of particle
beaming from satellites to accelerate electrons in the ionosphere. At very high
altitudes, the effects would multiply if a high enough power level was used.
"I took a factor of about a million steps {increase) in power it could deliver at,
say, 100 kilometers altitude. 1 took it way beyond what the slate of the art was at the
time...It opened up new things. As I understand it, that's one of the selling points of
HAARP-by having this massively-greater power, you can do a lot more interesting
things. Basically, what 1 said in the patents."
50 Eastlund/APTI patent #4,686,605 "Method and Apparatus for Altering a Region in the Earth's
Atmosphere, Ionosphere and Magnetosphere"; # 5,038,664 "Method for Producing a Shell of
Relativistic Particles, held up one year by Navy secrecy order; and # 4,712,155 "Method and
Apparatus for Creating an Artificial Electron Cyclotron".