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agent, 172; in flares, 47; Langmuir and,   Suits, C. Guy, 147, 149–150, 157, 171
                     101; in New Mexico, 155–158   sulfates, 2
                  Simpson, Joanne, 177–178         Summers, Lawrence, 246
                  Simpson, Robert H., 177–179      sunspots, manipulation of, 28
                  Sky King (television show), 10, 42, 48  supersonic transport (SST), 222
                  Smetacek, Victor, 259            Sverdrup, Harald U., 195
                  Smith, Karl F., 116              Sykes, George Ambrosius Immanuel Mor-
                  smog, 118, 238                     rison, 11, 97–99, 106
                  smoke, 61, 65, 109, 139–140
                  socialism, 36–38                 Takers, 22–24, 47, 267
                  socio-technical hybrid issues, 266  Talbot, Curtis G., 146–147
                  Socolow, Robert, 263–264         Talman, Charles Fitzhugh, 116
                  solar radiation management, 6, 29, 255–257;   Tarmy, Barry, 237
                     idealized, 20; stratospheric dust and, 236;   Tatarsk Strait, 203
                     sulfuric acid and, 241        technology, 49–50; fear of, 191; historic,
                  solar shield, 2                    267; limitations of, 2; Takers and, 23
                  “Song of the Bell” (Schiller), 78  Television Infrared observation Satellite
                  Sörgel, Herman, 205                (TIRoS) program, 134, 215
                  sound waves, 123                 Teller, Edward, 46, 170, 173, 199
                  Soviet Electric Power (Markin), 199, 202  terraforming, 230–232
                  Soviet Union, 12, 176–177, 198–200;   Terraforming Earth (Williamson), 25
                     ENMoD and, 183–184            Texas Department of Agriculture, 107
                  Spaatz, Carl A., 171             Theosophists, 30
                  space: control of, 209–212; mirrors in,   Thompson, Michael, 258
                    207–208, 244, 245              Tilmes, Simone, 261
                  Spence, Clark, 9                 Tilton, James, 168–169
                  Spilhaus, Athelstan, 194         Time (magazine), 119, 125–126, 207
                  Sputnik (satellites), 209        tipping points, v, 6, 226–227
                  SST. See supersonic transport    TIRoS. See Television Infrared observation
                  St. Amand, Pierre, 178–182         Satellite program
                  stabilization wedges, 263–264    Toon, Brian, 2
                  Stalin, Joseph, 198              “To the Friends of Science” (Espy), 56
                  Stanford Law Review, 141         trafficability, 179
                  Stapleton, olaf, 231             Train, Arthur, 35–36, 48
                  Stenchikov, Georgiy, 260         Transactions of the Epidemiological Society of
                  Stiger, Albert, 81–82, 85          London, 73
                  Stingo, John R., 95–99, 106      triggers, 196, 239–240
                  storytelling, 15                 Truman, Harry, 148
                  stratosphere: aerosol content of, 241,   Tuan, Yi-fu, 190–191
                     260–261; bubbles in, 245; burning    Turco, Richard, 255
                     sulfur in, 254–256; cooling of, 220;    Twain, Mark, 10, 27–30, 48
                     dust in, 236, 245, 247–249, 248; pol-  Tyndall, John, 4
                     lution in, 233–234; rifle system and,   Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research,
                     247–249                         234, 254. 255

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