Page 335 - James Rodger Fleming - Fixing the sky
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Johnson, Lyndon B., 180, 209 156–157; Project Cirrus and, 149–152,
Johnson, Robert, 206 153, 155–157, 158
“Joint Statement Concerning Future Discus- Langmuir–Schaefer smoke generator, 140,
sion on the Dangers of Environmental 256
Warfare,” 183 Laplace, Pierre-Simon, 102, 176
Jones, Mike, 83 Laredos (magazine), 106
Jones, Tommy Lee, 42 lasers, ix, 198, 245
Jordan, David Starr, 107 Last and First Men (Stapleton), 231
Journal of Applied Meteorology, 125 latent heat (caloric), 54, 124, 142
Journal of Physical Chemistry, 113 Latham, John, 259
Launder, Brian, 258, 261
Kael, Pauline, 41–42 Leavers, 22–24, 47
Kansas, rainmakers in, 86–89 Lehigh University, 84
Kansas City Star (newspaper), 87 Leibniz, Gottfried, 102, 176
Kansas State Agricultural College, 73 Le Maout, Charles, 59–60
Kant, Immanuel, 266–267 Lenin, Vladimir, 198
Keeling, Charles David, 237 Leonardo da Vinci, 167
Keith, David, 230 Leslie, Eliza, 58–59
Kellogg, William W., 212, 241–242; “High Lesseps, Ferdinand de, 204
Water Experiment” of, 212, 213 Liebling, A. J., 43, 95
Kelvin, Lord (William Thomson), 5 Life (magazine), 71
Kennedy, John F., 102, 213, 217, 240 light pollution, 233–234
Kenney, George C., 195–196 Lincoln, Abraham, 168
Khrushchev, Nikita, 213, 217 Lindemann, Frederick A., 127–128
Kidwell, Howard, 180 Little, Arthur D., 174
King, David, 263–264 Lloyd, Geoffrey, 128
King, Whitney, 250 Lodge, oliver, 111
kites, 61, 65–67, 112 London, 32, 35; fog in, 109, 111, 117, 121
Klima, 7 Looney Tunes, 44
Krick, Irving P., 11, 99–102, 107, 172–173; Lorenz, Edward, 85, 197, 242
Petterssen and, 100 Los Angeles Examiner (newspaper), 90
Krick Weather Service, 99 Lovelock, James, 227, 231, 258–259
Kublai Khan, 166 Luby, James o., 70
Kunzig, Robert, 252 Luginbuhl, Christian, 233
Kuroshio Current, 201, 203 Lunt, Dan, 261
Lutzenberger, José, 246
Labrador Current, 201 Lyttleton, R. A., 207
Lackner, Klaus, 250–253
Laird, Melvin, 181 MacCracken, Michael, 265
Lancaster, Burt, 41–42 MacDonald, Gordon J. F., 182, 237–238
Langley, Samuel P., 66 Macdonald, James A., 96–97. See also Stingo,
Langmuir, Irving, 7, 12, 46, 101, 137–139, 144, John R.
153, 155, 168, 170–171, 194–195, 197, 262; Mackay, George, 57
experiments of, 158–159; Petterssen and, Mackenzie, Donald, 204
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