Page 286 - James Rodger Fleming - Fixing the sky
P. 286
1. National Academy of Sciences, “Geoengineering options.”
2. Crutzen, “Albedo Enhancement.”
3. Fleming, “Global Climate Change and Human Agency.”
4. Glacken, Traces on the Rhodian Shore, 501–705; Fleming, Historical Perspectives on Cli-
mate Change, 11–32.
5. Fleming, Meteorology in America, 44, 99.
6. Jordan, “Art of Pluviculture,” 81–82; Spence, Rainmakers.
7. Ekholm, “on the Variations of the Climate,” 61.
8. Fleming, Callendar Effect, xiii.
9. Wexler, “U.N. Symposium.”
10. President’s Science Advisory Committee, Restoring the Quality, 127; Weart, “Climate
Modification Schemes.”
11. Fleming and Jankovic, eds., Klima.
12. Curry, Webster, and Holland, “Mixing Politics and Science,” 1035.
13. Weinberg, “Can Technology Replace Social Engineering?”
14. Emerson, Conduct of Life, 86–87.