Page 274 - James Rodger Fleming - Fixing the sky
P. 274
8.3 “Screwing (with) the Planet,” as interpreted by Henning Wagenbreth. (© new york
times, october 24, 2007)
their assigned stations. If the geoengineers cannot keep it up, however, imag-
ine a 25-mile phallic “snake” filled with 10 tons of sulfuric acid ripping loose,
writhing wildly, and falling out of the sky. Carol Cohn said it best in her classic
article “Sex and Death in the Rational World of Defense Intellectuals”: “The
dominant voice of militarized masculinity and decontextualized rationality
speaks so loudly in our culture, it will remain difficult for any other voices to be
heard . . . until that voice is delegitimated.” The geoengineers have been play-
ing such games with the planet since computerized general circulation models
were first developed. While this kind of research will undoubtedly continue, it
should remain indoors between consenting adults. What must be aired are the
underlying assumptions.
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