Page 79 - Elana Freeland - Under an Ionized Sky
P. 79

chemical  aerosols.  Fullerenes  assemble  and  replicate,  delivering  and  embedding  their
               programmed metamaterials and pharma agents directly into the host’s DNA.

                     . . .it is currently postulated that ENPs cause nonspecific oxidative damage and that the resulting stress may be the
                     predominant cause of DNA damage and subsequent genotoxicity. 23

                   This self-assembly process is called Teslaphoresis and sounds disturbingly like descriptions
               by  Morgellons  sufferers  of  the  self-assembling  fiber  networks  building  grids  throughout  their
               bodies and at times erupting from their scalps, gums, and skin. Teslaphoresis depends upon a
               Tesla coil force field for remote directives to carbon nanotubes to self-assemble and extend in
               long wires that can be magnetically reeled in and out:

                     “Electric fields have been used to move small objects, but only over short distances,” [Rice University chemist Paul]
                     Cherukuri said. “With Teslaphoresis, we have the ability to massively scale up force fields to move matter remotely. .
                     .There are so many applications where one could utilize strong force fields to control the behavior of matter in both
                     biological and artificial systems.”

                   Telephoresis nanowires “grow and act like nerves,” simultaneously assembling and creating
               circuits powered by force field energy. Cherukuri mentions how “patterned surfaces and multiple
               Tesla  coil  systems  could  create  more  complex  self-assembling  circuits  from  nanoscale-sized
               particles”—like what is being delivered by chemical trails, GMO foods, and vaccinations.
                   Disseminating  nanoparticles  makes  sense  if  your  objective  is  an  “integrated  technology”
               matrix for a socio-biological “battlespace” AI-programmed for surveillance, detection, and two-
               way  communication.  Think  gigaflop  microprocessors  the  size  of  molecules,  MEMS
               (microelectromechanical  systems)  and  GEMS  (global  environmental  MEMS)  “smart”  sensors
               and  microprocessors  (computers),  and  magnetoelectric  nanoparticles  (MENs)  gravitating  to
               neurons in the brain.
                   We are now in the realm of optogenetics and deep brain stimulation (DBS), the manipulation
               of brain cell activity by switching brain cells on and off with remote light or magnetic fields. All
               that  is  needed  is  optical  nanofibers  programmed  to  deliver  light  to  the  brain,  plus  gold
               nanoparticles and nano-rods that absorb light and convert it to heat. Iron oxide nanoparticulates
               (and  other  heavy  metal  oxides)  give  off  heat  when  exposed  to  an  alternating  magnetic  field,
               “causing the neurons to fire long trains of nervous impulses.” 25
                   Thus we can begin to piece together why military intelligence has bent over backwards to
               deceive  the  public  about  nanotechnology  and  the  chemical  trails  above.  Wires,  RFIDs  and
               implants are no longer necessary; remote access can be obtained and maintained by creating an
               external magnetic field in which magnetic nanoparticles stimulate and respond to other magnetic
               fields outside (in vitro) and inside (in vivo) the body to create signaling networks that control ion
               channels, neurons, and behavior. 26
                   The  campaign  to  convince  the  public  that  controlling  machines  by  thought  alone  is
               “progress” flies in the face of the shouting inverse: that all of it—the chemical trails loaded with
               conducting metals and nanobots, the nano GMO food additives, the cell phones and towers, the
               Internet of Things—is blasting us toward a Transhumanist future in which tiny machines and
               their AI gods remote-control our brains.
                   The deployment of trillions of nanobots above and in our atmosphere with no proof of safety
               is a planetary crime whose magnitude is difficult to measure—a crime for which neither national
               nor  international  judiciary  systems  are  prepared,  a  crime  that  makes  twentieth-century  Nazi
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