Page 97 - Nick Begich - Angels Don't Play This Haarp Advances in Tesla Technology
P. 97       90
           Chapter Thirteen


                  Companies  involved  in  the  HAARP  project  are  both  interesting  and
           mysterious. The evolution of the HAARP contract is a story within this story.

                  Atlantic  Richfield  Company  (ARCO)  created  a  subsidiary  called  ARCO
           Power  Technologies  Incorporated  (APTI)  which  was  based  in  Washington,  D.C.  The
           company  had  reported  annual  sates  of  $5  million  and  had  25  employees  as  late  as
           1992.134  ARCO,  the  parent  company,  is  the  second  largest  private  employer  in
           Alaska,  primarily  involved  in  the  North  Slope  oil  fields  where  it  controls  trillions  of
           cubic  feet  of  natural  gas  and  billions  of  barrels  of  oil.  The  natural  gas  on  the  North
           Slope has been reinjected into the earth rather than "flared" off or produced for use as
           it is in most other parts of the world. The gas has been reinjected in order to maintain
           oil field pressure for enhanced production while pumping up to two million barrels of
           crude  oil  a  day  out  of  the  ground.  No  market  for  this  natural  gas  currently  exists,
           although  a  $20  billion  pipeline  remains  on  the  drawing  boards.  Finding  a  market  for
           the gas is in the interests of ARCO. The site where the HAARP project has been built
           is close to an already granted right-of-way for a future TransAlaska Gas Pipeline. All
           of  the  significant  regulatory  hurdles  have  been  passed  for  constructing  the  gas  line
           should markets be found.

                  HAARP  at  its  present  stage  does  not  represent  a  high  energy  consumer  in
           terms  of  input  power.  The  first  two  phases  of  the  project  might  not  consume  more
           than one to ten megawatts of power. In the future, however if the project continues to
           grow  the  way  that  project  planners  want  it  to  or  expands  to  involve  other  facilities,
           power  demands  would  sharply  increase.  ARCO  originally  hoped  to  find  a  large
           consumer  for  their  presently  unmarketable  natural  gas.  It  was  this  market  search
           which brought Dr. Eastlund together with ARCO in the mid 1980's, and his inventive
           genius gave birth to APTI.

                  Eventually  ARCO  was  able to cluster twelve patents that  would provide the
           basis  for  new  markets  for  their  North  Slope  natural  gas.  The  possibility  of  not  even
           having  to  transport  the  gas  far  from  the  source  was  an  even  more  promising
           possibility - a possibility which would put ARCO in the Star Wars business.
                  How  does  a  small  subsidiary  company  like  APTI  get  a  military  contract  for
           such  a  project?  The  contract  with  APTI  was  more  than  five  times  the
           organization's  projected  annual  sales   135 .  We  believe  that  the  only  way  a
           virtually  unknown  company,  in  the  military  contracting  environment,  could  get  a
           contract  like  this  is  if  they  possessed  proprietary  information  of  use  in  the  project
           (i.e., the twelve  APTI patents). This fact  was recently confirmed by Dr. Eastlund who
           was interviewed by Jeane Manning. He said APTI was formed a year after he made his
           discovery while under contract to ARCO to find a use for their gas. The company was
           formed to develop his patent by encouraging the military to test and eventually build
           134 America's Corporate Families. 1993, Volume I, page 156.
           135 Ibid.
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