Page 21 - Nick Begich - Angels Don't Play This Haarp Advances in Tesla Technology
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           electrical fields are the same. What he called a "motional electric field" was different
           from the well-known electrostatic fields; the motional electric field results in a force
           that passes through lead. In other words, the field is unshieldable.

                  Electricity  of  a  different  quality?  Manning  wasn't  ready  for  that;  she  was
           still  studying  beginner-level  books  about  standard  electricity  whenever  she  went  to  a
           library.  Over  the  previous  few  years  she  had  realized  that  there  was  a  shortage  of
           journalists  looking  into  this  scene.  Engineering  lectures  were  a  long  way  from  her
           university  training  as  a  social-worker  and  job  experience  as  a  reporter,  but  she  would
           look  back  on  this  1986  conference,  and  more  than  a  dozen  other  energy  conferences
           to  follow,  as  an  introduction  to  the  scene.  They  introduced  her  to  the  fast  growing
           field  of  study  called  "non-conventional  energy  technologies".  Even  the  William
           Hooper patent would turn up in her life again later, quoted in a "skybuster" document
           that would frighten some otherwise- unflappable scientists.

                  In  the  1986  meeting,  however,  she  tried  to  narrow  down  what  she  was
           learning in order to make sense of it. History; she could easily  grasp history. Next on
           the  Tesla  program  was  a  man  with  a  craggy  face  and  the  erect  posture  of  a  military
           officer. Dr. Bill Jones of Los Angeles was a physicist, retired naval officer and former
           Top  Gun  pilot,  who  spoke  about  Nikola  Testa's  place  in  history.  Fortunately,  Jones
           ran  through  his  talk  at  a  much  slower  pace  than  the  Mach  2  speed  at  which  he  had
           flown  fighter  planes.  This  physicist  made  it  clear  that  he  wanted  Tesla  reinstated  in  a
           place  of  honor  in  history.  For  example,  Jones  said,  Guglielmo  Marconi  got
           recognition  for  radio,  but  Tesla  had  demonstrated  a  remote-control  boat  in  Madison
           Square  Gardens  several  years  before  Marconi's  announcement.  Dr.  Jones  also  told
           about incidents such as the time in 1911 when Tesla described how radar could work.
           Tesla  was too far  ahead of his time to be heard. Six  years later Tesla had offered his
           invention of a particle-beam weapon to the U.S. Department of War, and was laughed
           out of the war office. Again, he was too early in the century to be believed.

                  With  a  reporter's  habit  of  taking  notes,  Manning  penned  the  speaker's
           words  in  a  notebook.  "What  do  we  really  know  about  magnetism?....What  do  we
           really know about electrostatics?"

                  Dr.  Jones  talked  about  something  described  as  "force  potential  manifested
           by  stress,  and  not  necessarily  in  the  presence  of  mass."  Some  researchers  looked  at
           this  force  potential  as  being  "scalar  electromechanics".  Mainstream  scientists  are
           reluctant  to  accept  these  new  and  revolutionary  ideas,  Dr.  Jones  said,  but  the  ideas
           hold promise for clean energy technology.

            On the last day of the conference as people flowed out of the auditorium, the crowd
           eddied around a man of  wiry build, probably in his late thirties, who  was speaking in
           an abrupt insistent voice that could be heard at the end of the hall.

                  "I  object  to  this  deliberate  build-up  of  a  cult  around  Tesla  -  referring  to
           things he never invented, never said, as Tesla science'!"
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