Page 160 - Nick Begich - Angels Don't Play This Haarp Advances in Tesla Technology
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technologies. Dr. Edward Teller and U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno were the
scheduled keynote speakers at the conference, although Reno was unable to
attend.289 (The same Dr. Teller, "father of the H-bomb", had sold the use of
thermonuclear weapons to make deep water ports in Alaska in the early 1960's,
promoted a Star Wars weapons system for the North Slope of Alaska in the late
1980's, and was now the cheerleader for nonlethal electromagnetics.)
Dr. Clay Easterly of Oak Ridge National Laboratories led a session on
ELF/EMFs. "My major point was that there seem to be some biological sensitivities
or responses to ELF fields that could be useful for nonlethal technology." He could
not discuss the specific applications because the information was classified by the
military. He went on to say that the military was interested in the use of non ionizing
(non thermal) radiation which could be used for disabling enemy electronics,
although his presentation dealt with uses which would affect people.290 This again
demonstrates the level of knowledge which the military ignores in HAARP
disclosures to the public - potential uses or risks associated with the generation of
ELF radiations over large areas of Alaska and eventually, the planet.
A number of papers were presented at the conference, and gave the latest
information on applied technologies in this area. Dr. Henry Brisker from the U.S.
Army Research Laboratory presented work dealing with High Power Microwave
Technology, while Dr. George Baker of the Defense Nuclear Agency, presented a
paper titled "RF Weapons: A Very Attractive Nonlethal Option".
What is obvious from the number of participants and the scope of the
subject matter is that the development of these ideas in new military hardware did not
just arrive on the scene but rather, had been a part of the military agenda for some
time. The current emphasis on these technologies reflects the level of interest of the
government, and the increased visibility the government is giving these areas
indicates an intention to use these systems in a more open manner.291 It is common
practice to let things like these types of technological advances come out in small
bits in order to "test the waters" of public opinion. In this way the population can be
co-opted into accepting greater levels of intrusion by governmental agencies. The
idea is to indoctrinate by being taught to believe, Tather than being given all of the
facts so that a prudent person could think about the issues and make reasoned
decisions. The contrast can be better stated as; "propaganda -versus- persuasion by
These technologies extend beyond the Air Force, CIA and Navy. "The U.S.
Army has its own product - a radiofrequeney (RF) weapon. In the August 24, 1987 issue
of Defense News, John Rosado of Harry Diamond Labs in Adephi, MD, is quoted as
saying that 'the nature of warfare will be completely changed by the use of (RF)
weapons." Rosado also noted that RF radiation could be used over a wide battlefield
259 Microwave News November/December 1993, Military on Nonlethal Weapons: 'A very Attractive
290 Ibid.
291 Non-Lethal Defense, a classified Conference sponsored by Los Alamos National Laboratory,
November 16-17,1993.