Page 67 - Elana Freeland - Under an Ionized Sky
P. 67

Magnetic scalar wave [longitudinal / standing] propagates at 1.5X the speed of light in the
               direction of the magnetic pointer (90°); and
                   Electromagnetic wave [transverse] propagates in the direction of both (zero).
                   Western  physics  posits  four  forces  of  the  universe  that  address  matter:  gravitational,
               electromagnetic,  weak  and  strong  nuclear.  What  has  been  left  out  since  the  beginning  of  the
               twentieth century is æther, the sub-quantum field that appears as empty space but is actually the
               ground  state  of  the  universe.   Like  “junk”  DNA—now  proven  to  not  be  “junk”  at  all —the
               “quantum  vacuum”  isn’t  a  void  but  a  highly  charged  plenum  whose  subtle  order  measurably
               influences  the  spacetime  motion  of  the  entire  physical  universe.  Like  their  predecessors,
               nineteenth-century scientists recognized that all-pervasive space was filled to overflowing with
               soniferous  æther,  the  soul  of  the  cosmos  by  which  divine  thought  manifests  in  matter  and
               therefore the common origin of all matter, as Michael Faraday (1791–1867) believed. Less than a
               century before Faraday, the polymath Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646–1716) claimed, “There is
               no vacuum. . .space without matter is something imaginary.”

       Over Auckland Island, NZ on February 24, 2017. Photo by V. Susan Ferguson
                                             What scalar can look like in plasma cloud cover.

                   Æther was also viewed as extending to the subtle bodies of light that all biological creatures
               have  (including  planet  Earth)—bodies  vulnerable  to  ionized  and  non-ionized  electromagnetic
               radiation. Austrian scientist Rudolf Steiner delineated four ethers (note the difference in spelling
               for subtle bodies) binding the physical to the psychic (ψνχή Greek for “soul” or “spirit”):
                   The  warmth  ether,  the  most  primordial,  manifests  centrifugally  as  heat  and  appears  as
                   The light ether, centrifugal, manifests as gas. Its primary quality is LUMINOSITY.
                   The chemical/sound ether, centripetal, manifests as fluid and is DISC-FORMING.
                   The life ether, centripetal, immediately precedes matter and is INDIVIDUALIZING. 6
                   If we think of these four types of ether in terms of plasma, the fourth state of matter making
               up most of the matter in the universe, it seems evident that plasma and æther are one and the
               same but in different phases or forms of spherical, luminous, disc-forming, and individual. The
               fourth state of matter means just that: heat a solid sufficiently and it becomes liquid; heat a liquid
               and it becomes a gas; heat a gas (or subject it to a strong electromagnetic field) and it ionizes to
               become something no longer like ordinary gas in that it is strongly influenced by electric and
               magnetic  fields.  This  is  plasma,  and  the  physics  of  plasma  is  about  electrons  and  ions,
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