Page 217 - Elana Freeland - Under an Ionized Sky
P. 217
frequencies, all commercial RF/microwave energy is going to be randomly confabulated and
conducted by the barium-strontium chemtrail mix.” Thomas’ use of the word “confabulated”
points to the magician-like holographic “special effects” already being unveiled in our barium-
and strontium-enriched plasma sky theater.
The U.S. Navy’s Radio Frequency Mission Planner (RFMP) computer program known as the
Variable Terrain Radio Parabolic Equation (VTRPE) utilized 3D battlefield imaging in the
chemical skies over Iraq (2003–2011) and Afghanistan (2001–2014). Ionized barium and phased
arrays work in concert with the VTRPE code, “a full-wave propagation model that solves EM
wave equations for complex electric and magnetic radiation fields.” With satellite imagery,
VTRPE can propagate radio waves in such a way as to generate a 3D version of terrain modeled
on RFMP computer monitors: battlefields, fog, clouds, apartment complexes, houses,
workplaces, government offices, etc. VTRPE can also cloak an aircraft behind signal inversion
layers, similar to how submarines are cloaked by underwater inversion layers.
Simply put, the phased array is an excellent dual-use weapon capable of accurately locking
onto EM targets. Telemetric sensors measure the necessary geometry of attack pulses, then
VTRPE and a sophisticated fifth-generation laptop or satellite computer analyze the geometrics
for target acquisition and beam control, and the invisible torture begins, particularly in areas of
maximum EM radiation absorption (brain, heart, genitals, etc.) dependent upon the geometry of
the wave. Hitting a target with a frequency that excites the metal particulates breathed in from
chemtrails and ingested from GMOs can ignite an implosion as organs hemorrhage. 47
Geometric is the name of the game for electron or plasma beam weapons—not so much in
the sense of theorems as in the sense of building the output signal by “tuning” the frequency,
amplitude, and spacetime “shape” to the target’s body. In 2008, TI Carolyn Williams Palit struck
the heart of the matter: “The plasma beam is used much like an electric line to the targeted
person.” Picture a microwave or radio wave piggybacking a plasma beam.
Phased-array radar may not have a beam weapon’s firepower, but a suitcase system
(piggybacking) can shape the pulse in spacetime with direct coupling to a high-speed computer
for non-linear biological effects. Former NSA analyst Robert Duncan explains in his 2010
Internet book The Matrix Deciphered:
These beams can be steered by phase shifting other antenna signals. . .A phased array of thousands of elements can
arbitrarily create one or more beams and the energy can be narrowly focused in constructive or destructive
interference mode. This is the basis of directed energy weapons.
Using high-powered steered phased arrays and focused directed energy from two sources. . .a nearly undetectable
scalar wave—destructive interference at the point of interest—can be created. With just a minor energy interaction,
the interfering beams bounce back with a strong signal-to-noise ratio to be resolved at the sources again. This allows
for any imaging technique to be done over extremely large distances, in effect making distance irrelevant to the
detection feature, be it RADAR, MRI, or ESR [electron spin resonance] imaging. [Emphasis added.]
A 2011 doctoral dissertation clarifies how phased-array antennas and satellites work in
tandem as dual-use weapons:
[T]he simulation of beamforming using phased array antenna is explored to obtain multiple and also steerable beams
for tracking the satellite smoothly. . .Moreover, the adaptive beamforming allows mobile objects such as planes and
vehicles to have access to satellite programs.” [Emphasis added.]
On September 23, 2010, the FCC opened up a new spectrum for dual-use no-touch torture
deployments: the White Space TV band spectrum for Super WiFi “digital data communications.”