Page 182 - Elana Freeland - Under an Ionized Sky
P. 182
Mantle movements are part of the blowback of the ELV/VLF radio waves being broadcast deep
into the Earth by ionospheric heater earth-penetrating tomography (EPT). 23
As to why some hear the Hum and some don’t, this is no more mysterious than individual
It is well established in the scientific literature that people can hear electromagnetic energy at certain frequencies and
peak power levels. Previous studies have found that a subset of the population has an electromagnetic sensitivity that
is significantly greater than the mean. 24
Under the Reagan-Bush-Cheney troika of the first SDI era, the U.S. Air Force built the pulse
beam gyrotron system known as the Ground Wave Emergency Network (GWEN), which was
pure Tesla technology. Tesla’s Wardenclyffe Tower on Long Island was 187 feet high with a
spherical terminal about 68 feet in diameter; GWEN tower broadcast hubs are 299 to 500 feet tall
with spokes of copper wire 330 feet long radiating out just a few feet underground. They have
six guy wires with insulator at 334 feet from the VHF translator antenna at the top to the ground,
which means GWEN can emit waves between the upper VHF and lower UHF (225–400 MHz)
as well as operate in the VLF range of 150–175 kHz traveling along the ground rather than
through the air in twenty-minute or one-hour bursts to a distance of three hundred miles, sending
messages with about two thousand watts of power while disrupting the Earth’s magnetic field in
a two-hundred-mile radius. Because VLF signals drop off over distance, GWENs have been built
every fifty miles across the continental U.S. (CONUS), each costing $1 million.
Purportedly for military aviation (VHF) and continuity of government (COG) in the event of
a national emergency (VLF), the VLF ground waves were initially harmonically tuned to the
Russian Woodpecker, then to the HAARP (AK) - Arecibo (PR) - Millstone Hill (MA) geometric
configuration of phased arrays, with specific frequencies tuned to the geomagnetic field strength
of each geographic area so that magnetic fields across the nation could be individually altered, if
GWEN towers are military relays to Milstar SCAMP terminals. MILSTAR (Military
Strategic and Tactical Relay) refers to USAF communications satellites in geostationary orbit,
and SCAMP (Single Channel Anti-Jam Man Portable) Terminal (U) to the rapidly deployable
component of the Army’s MILSTAR Advanced Satellite Terminal program. This means that a
GWEN electromagnetic web encloses CONUS in an artificial magnetic field five hundred feet
high and girds CONUS with powerful radio frequency emissions that never sleep, replacing
natural geomagnetic waves with artificial VLF waves and high levels of non-thermal radiation.
GWEN towers are used to fine-tune weather patterns and brain patterns. All that is needed
are three satellites and interlocking towers spaced to allow for specific frequencies.
For the Great Flood of April-October 1993, the Russian Woodpecker altered the jet stream
and set up weather blocks to target the American Midwest by relaying pulses along GWEN
towers in Mechanicsville and Ladyard, Iowa; Chelsea, Wisconsin; Shephard, Minnesota;
Curryville and Dudley, Missouri; Whitney, Nebraska; and on into Colorado and Montana—
handy receivers for extending precipitation in the Upper Mississippi Valley and producing a
flood with $15 billion in damages (1993 dollars). Woodpecker geoengineering was achieved by
firing up the GWEN towers north of the two rivers in Mechanicsville and Ladyard and
electromagnetically damming up and stalling one of the five atmospheric rivers moving 340